Sunday, October 19, 2008

First off, I need a new music listening device. I was just informed of this sneaker from the future that does all kinds of stuff with an ipod Nano or ipod Touch:
You can put this thing in your shoe and it syncs up to an ipod and you can customize your workouts and make your songs play at certain parts (if you're slowing down and getting tired, oh! there starts Betty Harris! cooling down? Starbuck. presto.) and it gives you feedback as you run and then you can go home and view your running results and progress on a computer screen. It's awesome.

Thursday and Friday saw no running activity. I had planned on Thursday's rest but not Friday. It was too dark to run when I came home from work. I may have to buck up and join a gym. Probably the "Y" because it's cheap. I toured Healthworks about a month or two ago for kicks and was roundly seduced. They have a snack bar. And the young lady giving me the tour chirped that the state of Boston requires swimsuits in the whirlpool but not the sauna. I doubt the "Y" is as free and unfettered.

On Saturday morning I woke up and went right to running. I ran 5 miles. I could have ran more but there were lunch plans on the horizon. I had the non-Kristin-playlist mp3 player but it also had a radio function on it. FM only. So, I listened to the oldies station, which was easy enough to run to. The commercials were mostly jingles so even that was fine. The annoying thing about it all though was the DJ interrupting songs to yell "goooo Sox." The toughest song to run to by far was "Clean Up Woman." Although the run was a success I didn't eat or drink anything until about 2pm and I felt very faint and was not the most enthusiastic luncher. Probably not the best routine.

Sunday morning saw no running. And I'm not happy about this at all. I blame my Saturday night downward spiral, the grand finale seeing me passing out and then being woken up at about 2:30am by a young lady screaming bloody murder. She kept yelling "LEAVE ME ALONE!" and really sounding distressed. Peeking out my window, I saw it was a bunch of drunk kids and someone had already called the cops. Sunday morning saw a huge brunch and this evening my sister visited so we drank and didn't run. We devised a probably-lucrative new tour of Boston landmarks, that involves flight attendant wear and a lot of cussin'. And we heard this, which I love:

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