Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Day's Run!

I ran 4.25 miles yesterday afternoon. A good mile and a half should probably be classified as a very bouncy walk but it was 4.25 miles in total just the same. Felt pretty good after and strutted over to Cambridge to meet up with a friend and shopped. I also organized my records and my books!

My portable listening device totally crapped out on me though for the run and I have only 10 songs on it now. Only 1 was fist-pumping enough to run to so I put that on repeat until I was absolutely sick of it. It is Lorraine Ellison's version of "Stay With Me"

and then I tried to work Al Hibbler but just couldn't so I ran in silence with my thoughts and began wondering if each person I passed was content or not with his or her life, can one really find pure happiness, etc. and then I started checking out people's calves. I really want better calves. I don't know if my frame will ever allow me to have hot calves, no matter how many toe risers I do. I'll do some research on workouts and post it next. Here's the Al Hibbler song. He sounds a bit Australian in the chorus but he's not. And Ray Charles tried to kill him once:

I set my alarm for 6:00am this morning to run before work because I am going out straight from work but it was completely dark outside. I snoozed it until 6:30 but it was still dark. Now it's 7:00am and light but I don't have time to run. This may be tricky - I didn't really pay attention to the sunrise times before. I may not be able to run today.

I am a little stiff this morning but I also do not stretch. I hear some sports people say you should not stretch and some say you must. I found 2 interesting articles on stretching before, after or during running and will post that either while at work or tomorrow if I don't get a chance to run today.

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